Our inter-family relationships have been targeted.

Our faith struggles to bridge the gap between generations. 

Our homes lack true peace, health, and wholeness. 

But we have good news

There is a way back

To Shalom. Wholeness. Family the way it was meant to be.

In ten sessions, You Will learn:

How to give God’s Word a place in your home

How to appreciate what is special about your child

Ways to capitalize on the power of prayer

Why you must restore your relationship with your children

How to face the opposition that’s coming

3 requirements to go all out in your parenting

Indicators of a healthy family

How to know if you truly love your children

The environment children thrive in

The right way to train your children

Here’s what others are saying

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This is your place to get specific and practical wisdom on a kaleidoscope of parenting experiences

Who are we, even? Great question.

We are the Puerto Family, and we’re kinda like the Avengers. . .

A motley crew with very unique individual members who are passionate about helping others and fiercely committed to each other. Harold and Grace are the parents to 9 original gangsters, and have been parenting for 24 years.